It is strongly recommended that prior to subscribing to this membership that you organise a tour of the Rehearsal room. Please contact the rehearsal room coordinator to arrange a time. RehearsalroomATartifactory.org.au
Rehearsal Room Rules
The Artifactory Rehearsal Room is a shared rehearsal space, used by bands with band membership of the Perth Artifactory.
Band membership fees are set at $100/month. An initial 3month trial period applies to all new band applications, with a required $300 key bond, held over the duration of membership.
Band membership entitles each band to the following –
- 4x 4 hour rehearsal slots per month;
- 24/7 access
- Bookings made online via shared calender system
A rehearsal slot is considered (broadly) to be a morning, afternoon or evening.
Band members are part of the wider Artifactory community and are encouraged to be an active part of that community, working with the others to help make the space a collaborative, inclusive, safe, and creative environment for all. Please have a read of our Code of Conduct to have an understanding of how you and other members are expected to treat eachother.
The following times have restrictions on the use of the room due to other Artifactory events at which use of the rehearsal room interferes due to sound spill. There may also be others on a one-off basis that will be communicated to the bands via the calendar when known.
- Saturdays : 11:00am-5:00pm (no bands)
- Wednesday : 8:00am-12:00pm Woodworking for Women Workshop (no bands)
- Wednesday evenings : 7:00pm-11:00pm *Quiet Bands only.
* Quiet Bands are defined as not including an acoustic drum kit, a maximum of 2 amps, and a willingness to turn the volume down if requested. Again, please make yourselves known to any others using the Artifactory while you are rehearsing to make this a comfortable conversation if required.